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Canterbury Fiat Lancia Club New Zealand

Canterbury Fiat Lancia Club New Zealand


Welcome to the Canterbury Fiat - Lancia Club, incorporating the Canterbury Fiat Bambina Register.

 We are a Christchurch-based club encouraging the use and enjoyment of these two fine marques of motor vehicle and  all vehicles Italian. If it's Italian, it has a place with us!

 We meet on the first Tuesday of each month, except January, at the Papanui RSA Club, 55 Bellvue Ave, Christchurch, from 7:30pm.

 These are informal get-togethers where you can meet other members and seek advice, offer advice, or just have a bit of a yarn. Some of our other activities include grasskhanas, country runs, winery visits, track days, driver training, garage raids, business visits and the mandatory barbecues.

 Fiat and Lancia are two of the oldest and most famous motoring marques in the world and have a heritage and motorsport history the envy of many later brands. Fiat began in 1899 while its younger brother, Lancia, was a relative newcomer in 1906.

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